DataGenie is now ISO 27001:2013 certified
Code Z Inc. DBA DataGenie
Last Updated: March, 2023

ISO 27001:2013 is a globally recognized standard known for managing risks to the security of data you possess. We are a data science company and deal with customer information and data all the time. With DataGenie's ISO 27001 certification you can be assured about the security of your Data and Privacy.
At DataGenie, the protection of customer information is our topmost priority. We dedicate our undivided attention to ensuring compliance with security regulations, which reinforces the trust factor among our clients.
Clients can benefit from this certification as we:
1. Keep the confidential information secure.
2. Increase confidence among customers and stakeholders by mitigating risks effectively.
3. Provide standardization of Information Security Management System (ISMS)
4. the ISMS.
5. Improve Organizational Awareness.
6. Establish a security culture in the organization.